We did not find any shelters in the city name you entered: Mesquite. You can click back on your browser and choose a city name on the right side of our page. We list all cities where we have listings.
Where possible we found other services such as government and non profit agencies to help women in need. We hope you find this information helpful.
If you are looking to donate to these shelters, we also provide the phone numbers and contact websites. Unfortunately this list is not all inclusive. If you see we are missing a shelter, please help us by adding it to our list.
No listings were found in Mesquite. If you wish to contribute to our database, please join now and add a listing. We have listed some other listings in Nevada below. We hope they are helpful in your shelter search.
Domestic Violence Resource Center - Reno
1735 Vassar StreetReno, NV - 89502
(775) 329-4150
Email Website
Emergency And Transitional Shelter for Women - Carson City
32 Sierra AvenueCarson City, NV - 89702
(775) 883-7654
Email Website
Las Vegas Rescue Mission - Las Vegas
480 West Bonanza RoadLas Vegas, NV - 89106
(702) 382-1766
Email Website
Salvation Army Adult Rehabilation Center - North Las Vegas
211 Judson StreetNorth Las Vegas, NV - 89030
(702) 399-2769
Email Website
S.A.F.E. House - Henderson
921 American Pacific Dr,Henderson, NV - 89014
(702) 451-4203
Email Website
We also provide our partners website Homeless Shelter Directory to find all homeless shelters. They also provide family shelters and services for the needy which may be helpful in your search.
Search ALL Homeless Shelters And Services By City from the Homeless Shelter Directory