This agency is a non-profit organization addressing homelessness in Brown County, Texas.
Weather Shelter provides safe emergency housing during inclement and cold weather, open when forecasted lows are 40 degrees or below.
They provide Street Outreach which includes hygiene packs, food, blankets and ID assistance.
5 bedrooms with 2 beds in each which includes 2 bedrooms set aside for families with children; they also have a transitional housing program which is a 6 month-1 year residential program to transition the homeless back into productive society. The transitional housing program is by application only.
Contact the office for an appointment and more info.
“Our mission is to address homelessness in Brown County by assisting homeless individuals & families -- and persons at risk of homelessness -- to quickly regain stability into permanent housing.”
2900 Coggin Ave, Brownwood
0.66 miles away