Hotline: 904-387-4357
Emergency Homeless Shelter.
CRM provides guests with a safe environment. Guests have the opportunity to shower, enjoy a meal and leave with clean clothing in the morning.
Men and women using overnight services are encouraged to attend nightly chapel service.
The New Life Inn on State Street serves as overnight shelter for men, while women and women with children are housed at the Henriksen Women's Center at CRM's McDuff Avenue location.
Jacksonville homeless shelter providing emergency services.
For many guests, Emergency Shelter Services become a gateway into the LifeBuilders Program.
All Emergency Services check-in at the New Life Inn, 234 W. State Street.
Check-in for overnight services begins at 2:30 pm.
Dinner for all guests not using overnight services 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm.*
The Community Closet is open Thursday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
*Dinner for overnight guests is served at 3:30 pm for women and 4:30 pm for men. Breakfast is provided for guests in overnight services.
“CRM exists to transform the lives of the homeless and needy, serving them through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. ”
622 W. Union St., Jacksonville
2.58 miles away
PO Box 4909, Jacksonville
3.03 miles away
611 E Adams St, Jacksonville
3.34 miles away
8012 Lem Turner Rd, Jacksonville
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P.O. Box 142, Orange Park
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