Coburn Place opens a door through which women and children fleeing domestic violence can find safe haven.
Coburn Place transforms battered lives by healing painful emotions, teaching valuable life skills, and fostering financial independence and long-term self-sufficiency.
Adult services include:
Individual advocacy and case management
individual and family therapy (provided to residential clients or by referral)
support groupscriminal justice/court advocacyvictim compensation
fund assistance
address confidentiality assistance
HopeLine cellphone assistance
financial literacy and economic empowerment
housing advocacy and education
permanent housing placement and referrals
GED tutoring and education advancement
health/wellness education
healthy relationship classes/groupspre-arranged childcare for appointments/services
budget-stretching direct aid (as available) for food, medical, and transportation assistance
employment/career readiness
substance abuse prevention/treatment referrals
Income-based services include:
6 to 24 months of on-site transitional housingsix to 12 months of community-based transitional housing.
“Our mission is to empower victims of interpersonal abuse - including domestic violence - to live as survivors. We have transitional housing at our building in Midtown Indianapolis, as well as in our Community Based Housing program. We offer an array of services to all our clients, including those on our waiting list.”
604 East 38th Street, Indianapolis
0.05 miles away
3019 N Delaware, Indianapolis
1.04 miles away
2011 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis
2.24 miles away
540 North Alabama Street, Indianapolis
3.51 miles away
3208 East Michigan Street, INDIANAPOLIS
3.99 miles away
14 N Highland Ave, Indianapolis
4.01 miles away
907 North Holmes Avenue, Indianapolis
4.44 miles away
1425 South Mickely Avenue, Indianapolis
8.08 miles away
1251 Sycamore Ln, Danville
19.24 miles away
35 East Pierson Street, Greenfield
20.37 miles away