FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, Inc. - Milton providesservicesShelter - Safe, temporary, emergency shelter is provided to victims of domestic violence and their children. Residents received: counseling information & referrals food clothing safety planning support group education program transportation children's assessments children's safety assessments children's activities assistance with orders for protection court advocacy Victims are served at two shelter locations, one in Escambia County and one in Santa Rosa County. Outreach Counseling - Provision of face-on-face counseling for victims of domestic violence, support groups, a twelve-week domestic violence educational program at each counseling center and at two outreach locations. Crisis Line - A 24-hour crisis line is located within the shelter facilities. Crisis intervention is provided by on duty staff and volunteers. Crisis calls are also received at the outreach centers and handled by staff and volunteers. Community Education & Professional Training - Outreach staff and volunteers conduct these efforts. Medial presentations are accomplished via television, radio and newspaper articles. Transitional Housing - FavorHouse owns one transitional home, which is available for women and children leaving shelter and in need of long-term housing. Residents may stay up to five years. This allows for a transitional period which grants enough time for families to make life changing decisions, finish a degree or vocational training, establish a career and save money for a home. Several of their families have qualified and have purchased homes built by Habitat for Humanity. Scholarship Program - FavorHouse administers a scholarship program available for domestic violence victims, who are no longer in an abusive relationship, who desire to return to college or train for a vocation. Funding is provided by a private foundation that believes education is the key to successful economic growth. With a career, survivors have the finances to care for their families and they are not forced to return to the abusive partner. Certified Batterers' Intervention Program - FavorHouse has offered this program since 1991. The program is certified by the Dept. of Children & Family Services. The Duluth power and control model is used. The BIP is fee based. Special scholarships and waivers are available for teens and indigent clients. Immediate plans include a new 12 week program for The Dynamics of a non Abusive Relationship.
“With a commitment to excellence in our service to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, we actively work toward every intimate relationship to be violence free.”
380 West Herman Street, Pensacola
16.52 miles away
2001 West Blount St., Pensacola
17.01 miles away
1501 N Q St, Pensacola
17.19 miles away