Peaceful Paths provides:
emergency shelter24-hour crisis hotline transitional housingvictim advocacyand restraining order assistance to victims of domestic violence and their childrenThey serve residents of Alachua, Bradford and Union counties. The hotline number is 1-800-500-1119 or locally 352-377-8255
Toll-Free Crisis Hotline 800-500-1119 Local Hotline Number352-377-8255Peaceful Paths realizes that individuals and families are sometimes forced to leave the safety and comfort of their own communities because it is no longer safe.
They provide secure, temporary shelter for displaced victims of Alachua, Bradford and Union counties on a 24-hour basis.
Their shelter is staffed by trained advocates that can provide emotional support through this tough time; crisis counseling, information, referrals and safety support along with functional items needed for daily life are available for all residents throughout the entire shelter stay.
They provide services to all victims of intimate partner violence regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender identity, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, citizenship, immigration status, marital status or language spoken.
While the shelter structure has space limitations, Peaceful Paths will make reasonable accommodations to ensure appropriate services to all eligible individuals and families seeking support.
The shelter is designed to function as a temporary home away from home with a common living room, kitchen/dining room, playroom and several bathrooms.
There are 5 smaller bedrooms for families and one larger shared bedroom for individuals.
The surrounding property is set away from regularly traveled areas and is monitored by staff at all times.
They strive to make the shelter environment comfortable, peaceful and safe.
I would like if there is a problem an housing i can go into.an i am 50 years of age.please help asap thank you Enjoy your day.
I have a good king size mattress and box springs to donate if you're able to pick them up.
Can I make a donation I have over 400 dvds I want to donate plus children’s clothing is there away to donate them to the women and children in your care ??
I have been a patient at NFRMC many many years. I have a collection- never touched of maybe about 50 or more of Disney's beanie babies. Excellent condition. In groups of themes such as Cinderella, Lady & the Tramp etc. I would like to donate these to the pediatric center. I come to Gville every 6 weeks for treatment at VIP. I will be moving back to Gville within a year. Do you accept this kind of item? Thank you Jeanne Rosenquist (Palm Beach Gardens)
I am in need of emergency housing ASAP I will call
I am trying help a Homeless Woman with 2 children . 9yr old and a 2yr old. Shelter has no room. We called your facility and you could not help them. Where else can we find them safe housing ASAP. This is a emergency! !!!
I’m retiring and no longer need working attire and I’d like to donate these items. Do you take these items?
We have children's clothing and shoes that we would like to donate. Can we just drop off? Please give us instructions. thank you for what you do.
I have some items to donate. Can you please tell me that types of items you take, and how to donate. Do I need to bring it to you, or do you have a pickup service?
I have some items to donate. Can you please tell me that types of items you take, and how to donate. Do I need to bring it to you, or do you have a pickup service?