The shelters provide up to 6 weeks of cost-free emergency housing which includes case management, on-premise support groups to educate victims on the dynamics of domestic violence, emergency food and clothing assistance and household goods.
Shelters also offer:
safety planningdomestic violence injunction assistancecourt advocacyinformation and referralscrisis intervention counselingcommunity education and awareness and relocation assistanceEmergency 9-1-1 cell phones are provided and an agency van is available to transport clients to doctors and outside agency appointments.
i have 2 NEW car seats "COSCO - Scenera Next" due to a miscarriage they are not needed - they have never been used. Is this something that could be donated? Do you give receipts?
How do we donate to a local shelter?
Brand new toys for Christmas
I’m looking for a woman’s shelter near Merritt Island, Florida. I’m gathering clothing that I would like to donate for someone in need.
My wife has some professional womens clothing she would like to donate. We live in Cocoa. Can you tell us where to deliver it.
I have some children and women clothes I would like to donate. Where can I drop them off? Thank you!
We have a memory foam mattress to donate that is less than a year old and in good condition. We live in north Melbourne. Would this be something you would pick up? We need an official receipt from you for this. The mattress is worth $700.
I am in desperate need of shelter, I've been living w my daughter, who is bipolar and wont take her meds, and has an oxycontin problem. I am 57 yrs. old and the grandmother to her 2 beautiful sons. She has mentally abused me the entire time I've been living with her, but now it has turned physical and on this past Friday she threw me out on the street. I haven't eaten in 3 days or slept, I've never been in this position in my life and I'm terrified. I can recieve text messages on my phone, and I have text free to make calls w Wi-Fi. The number I have is only temporary but I'm going to get a new one. Please help me I'm certain I will die out here if I dont get help, please email me if you can help in any way. Thank you, Colleen
I have some furniture I would like to donate to someone who is trying to make a new start: a full-size bed frame with headboard and virtually unused mattress, 6-drawer dresser with mirror, loveseat, recliner, TV stand, and writing desk. We can arrange delivery, but pick-up would be preferred. Viera West area.
I have a child's car seat and a child's car booster seat. They have each been used twice. Are you interested in these? I would love to donate them!
I am oin desperate need of shelter for me and my 8 yr old son Plz help Not sure where to leave contact info
I have about 20 pairs of brand new basic flip flops leftover from my daughters wedding. Can I donate them to a shelter in Brevard, preferably MI, Cocoa, or Cocoa beach? Also will have woman’s clothing and shoes (not new). Please let me know.
I just got bk to Titusville where I have lived since 2015, I have had to sleep in my car the last couple days, I am on disability (SSI) I have been substance free for 3 years now and really need help. I need help getting a safe place to live and getting bk on my feet basically. I KNOW I can I just need a hand up NOT a hand out.
I had some women's clothing that I would like to donate. Where is the donation drop off?
I would like to donate and have multiple people to help donate home and kitchen furnishings is this something you need and how do we do it
I have clothing I would like to donate.
How can I donate 4 unopened boxes (30 ct ea) of Always brand feminine hygiene products? Need address and times when accepting donations.
I have some women’s clothes and a few lightweight children’s jackets to donate do you accept donations. In addition we are moving soon and may have some small pieces of furniture to donate. Do you accept furniture.
My wife and sister in-law have some clothing they'd like to donate to the women's shelter.
Where can I drop off slightly used to new women's clothing?
I have A Full Size Bed to Donate to Anyone Who needs One. It Is 100% Cherry Wood, Solid But I Lightened It {W/Stain} Years Ago.