The Spring of Tampa Bay serves more than 2,000 individuals each year with the following services and programs.
Use the link (underlined text) to get more information about each.
Emergency Shelter:
Emergency housingcase managementindividual/group crisis counselingcommunity referralslegal advocacyemergency financial assistancesafety planning24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline:
Advocates on duty 24/7365 days a yearto respond to domestic violence callsproviding information and referral to shelter and community outreach servicesCall this phone number if you are in trouble: 813-247-SAFEChildren's Services:
Shelter case managementindividual/group counselingsafety planningonsite K-8 public schoolonsite child care centerTransitional Housing:
Two-year aftercare program for former shelter residents includes family case managementassistance with education/career goalslife skills and money managementCommunity Outreach Services:
Case management and crisis counseling for victims not accessing emergency shelterAvailable at three sites, services include individual/group counseling, community referrals, legal advocacy and safety planning.
“The Spring’s mission is to prevent domestic violence, protect victims, and promote change in lives, families and communities. ”
100 Shell Point Rd E, Ruskin
13.72 miles away
701 5th Ave North, Saint Petersburg
16.47 miles away
863 3rd Avenue N, St Petersburg
16.71 miles away
1011 1st Ave N, Saint Petersburg
16.99 miles away
503 S Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Clearwater
20.40 miles away