
Milwaukee, WI - 53212
(414) 559-5761

Franciscan Peacemakers, Inc.

Franciscan Peacemakers is an organization of people seeking to lessen violence in Milwaukee.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the life and words of Francis of Assisi are their guides.

They seek to sow thoughts and acts of peace in the home, the school, and the community at large.

Understanding the ''Continuum of Violence'' leads them to challenge ourselves and their community to help people find the voice that violence has silenced.

Education, direct ministry to victims and perpetrators of violence, advocacy and cooperation with other agencies are the tools they use.

Prayer and lives lived peaceably are their strength.

''They are called to heal wounds, to mend what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.'' (Francis of Assisi)

Franciscan Peacemakers, Inc. Mission Statement

“Franciscan Peacemakers provides a pathway to a sustainable healthy, safe, productive life for women engaging in prostitution due to trauma, human sex trafficking or drug addiction. ”

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  • User   2018-10-24 13:21:05

    iz ur place open for a single pregnant woman?

  • User   2021-03-26 14:40:48

    Are you interested in building a library? Have many Sewing, kniting books. Tons of yarn , some needles, some art supplies to donate. Also books; Catholic, inspirational, self-help, essay type, healing,etc . Would be happy to supply title list for selection. If not for your services, could you direct me to a home that does welcome such donations? Judy

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