Office Hours

Fresh Start serves homeless women who do not have children in their custody.
Fresh Start is a transitional program, which means it offers a longer stay than an emergency shelter and that there are not immediate openings.
Women are asked to give at least a three month commitment and may stay for up to one year.
Fresh Start provides for basic needs such as food, clothing and housing while offering case management and supportive services.
Women create an Individualized Goal Plan (IGP) that identifies the goals they have and the steps to take to reach self sufficiency.
The plan acts as a road map for women to advance to reach the goal of self-sufficiency and is designed to utilize the woman's strengths to overcome the barriers she identifies as contributing to her homelessness.
PO Box 85358, Lincoln
3.50 miles away
2545 N St., Lincoln
4.11 miles away
'110 ''Q'' Street', Lincoln
6.98 miles away