Hope Harbor Home is proud of its partnership with Rape Crisis Center Brunswick, a program of Coastal Horizons Inc.
Many victims of domestic violence are also sexually abused by their batterers.
Rape Crisis Center Brunswick has counselors, support groups and a range of advocacy programs for these victims.
Services are available to victims of recent and past sexual assault.
Hope Harbor Home will help you access the services of Rape Crisis Center Brunswick if you are also a victim of rape or sexual assault.
Would you except a food donation from a person who is moving to another State wants to donate his pantry contents?
I have little options .. my family are hours away. I have no phone, and can only send this message because "he" is asleep. I come from wonderful family and know what I want out of life. I drink so I can block the harmful things that happen to me daily. I'm 30 yrs of age. And desperately trying to leave this situation. When I do leave to try and stay somewhere else "he" finds me and hurts me anyway he can. I've known this man and his family for years but I cannot be successful when I'm I such fear. I have done drugs in the past, although I have been clean from drugs for two years. But as they say.."alcohol is a drug." I do not want to tell my family because anymore pain might kill them. I'm capable of anything and always remain optimistic.
I am currently residing in a shelter in Wilmington. I have been here since about March first. I'm not actually from here. I brought my two babies here for a fair, new start. Almost immediately after we arrived we were put in quarantine without being informed until it was too late. This could be a great program however at this time I don't feel that it is a good fit. I am not on drugs and I don't use alcohol either. I'm just simply trying to start a life for me and my kids away from people who are not good for us. My children's father was abusive and is not present in their life and I have no reliable family. I have been placed on a housing list and just need to buy time while I wait for our space to be available. I want to work and I have a daycare voucher for when everything opens back up. I just need a little help and compassion. I am not treated with the most respect where I am and It has taken a lot to come to a new place where I know absolutely no one to give my kids a better life. I am 20 years old and I believe that because of my age I am viewed as if I can't accomplish anything or I am troubled. I have been in and out of homelessness since I was 17 and my childhood was not particularly ideal. My kids are my entire world and I'm just trying to get on the right path for them.
Can I donate feminine products??
I would like to volunteer. I’ve been there and also have training in nutrition and breast feeding coach. Thank you I live in Southport
I do a lot of different craft work but especially jewelry making. Because people know that I do beading, they have given lots of beads to me that I won't be using. Would you accept donations?
I have woman's and children's clothing to donate. Where do I go to donate the clothing.