24-HR Hotline:
863-763-0202They are a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of victims from domestic and sexual violence.
They have a shelter capacity of 24 women and children and provide various outreach services to the residents of Okeechobee County.
Primarily a provider of emergency shelter for DV and SV victims, Martha's House also is heavily involved in victim advocacy, community outreach, community education and prevention, legal advocacy, child victim advocacy, survivor support groups, counseling, and empowerment for living.
In Fort Pierce at a gas station. Boyfriend just got arrested and I don't know what to do. Help me please!
Any vacancies
I'm homeless and I have a job, I need help with a place to stay.
Many years ago I volunteered at Martha's House. I moved away from Florida,,,,,but I'm back and living in Vero Beach. While previously volunteering, I put high security locks on the safe house and also when a child living there I would bring a birthday cake and presents (their mother tell me what they would like). I now live back in Sunny Florida ....YAY....in Vero Beach. Is there a women's shelter in my area that might help or go to Okeechobee?