Rejuvenating Womens Mission is to provide hope and restoration to female victims and survivors of human trafficking.
A non-profit organization providing hope and restoration to those enslaved in human trafficking.
They are committed to developing long-lasting relationships with the girls and women who are deeply wounded by loving each and every one right where she is at in a trauma-informed way.
Restored Wings Home provide a safe and caring environment where survivors who have suffered exploitation can begin to heal.
Their Restored Wings Home is a 5,000 square foot house that women can call their home.
Their passion is to help every woman find love, healing, and peace by going through our Restored Wings day program and the Restored Wings Restoration Home.
The Restored Wings Home is the first of its kind in the state of Nebraska.
The Restored Wings Home is NOT a "safe house", but it is a long-term restoration home.
They allow our survivors to stay for up to 2 years and provide them in-depth counseling, case management, and free legal services during this time.
Also focus on education and aim to teach life skills, mentorship programs, relapse prevention classes, trauma healing, and more.
“Providing hope and restoration to victims and survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.”