The Nest Domestic Violence Shelter 6500 square feet 14 bedrooms
2 wheelchair-accessible bedrooms 28 beds with Capacity of 43 women and children 6 Bathrooms Counseling & Intake Room Crafts and Programming Room Salon Industrial Laundry Double, Mirrored Kitchen Food Pantry & Storage RoomSECURITY Intruder Detection & Reporting System Computerized Security Surveillance Program Fire and Security - Visible Strobe & Sound Alarms 27 Cameras
Inside Facility and On Perimeter Audio-Video-Intercom System at Entry to Shelter Card-Swipe Security for Resident Entry Into Shelter Courtyard Monitored by Staff and First Alarm & Security of Ruidoso Emergency 911 Pendants for Staff on Duty Lexan Glass throughout Shelter
Bullet Resistant Five Emergency Escape Doors Panic Buttons throughout Facility & OfficeADMINISTRATION OFFICES 4 Offices 1 Conference & Meeting RoomBOARD & STAFF 7Volunteer Members of the Board of Directors 1 Executive Director 1 Office Manager 1 Shelter Manager 1 Media Liaison 1 Social Media Liaison 15 Shelter Staff 2 Sweet Charity Boutique Cashiers