Valley Women's Resource Center, Inc. (VWRC) is a private nonprofit corporation established by a group of women in 1979 to respond to the needs of women, children and families in the Matansuka-Susitna Borough.
Family First Treasures Thrift Store
Hours of Operation:
Mon. Sat. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
Their program:
Domestic Violence Support is a free program that provides support and education to women who are or have been victims of domestic violence.
SAFE KIDZ group is available for those who bring children. Groups are held on Tuesdays from 5:00 6:30 p.m. at the AFS Shelter in Palmer, and on Wednesdays from 1 p.m. 2:30 p.m. at the AFS Behavioral Health Treatment Center in Wasilla.
For more information, call 746-8026.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault:
The Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault program provides an emergency shelter for women and their children escaping abusive situations.
This 32-bed facility is the only nationally accredited shelter of its kind in Alaska.
The DVSA program also offers services designed to help women heal and get their lives back on track, as well as outreach and advocacy aimed at preventing violence before it starts.
Hello, I want to leave my husband who is abusive to my middle child. My mom just came to visit (from abroad) and protects the child when im at work. He has a history of child mistreatment. now he does not want her or my son here. I also have a baby (10 months) and i work in Wasilla. However not enough income. I would like to get out of the house to start a divorce because the atmosphere in the house is very tense. I would like to know if i can ever get a voucher to live in wasilla because my olderst daughter will stay with him for now. pleaselet me know what my options are. Thank you
If you still need assistance call 279-9585 and ask for assistance with housing for your specific situation.
Alaska Family Services (formerly known as Valley Women's Resource Center) does not monitor this website for messages. If you need immediate assistance, please contact our 24/7 crisis line at 866-746-4080