
Leonardtown, MD - 20650

Walden Sierra - Battered Women's Assistance

Battered spouse assistance and crime assistance for battered women.

Provides placements in motels, emergency shelter for runaways, and transitional housing.

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  • User   2022-07-17 10:34:52

    I don't have any money to give, and I don't have any shelter to provide; but I'm more than happy to provide a shoulder to cry on, research resources online, and dispense any advice I can think of. I went through a period of homelessness, after domestic abuse ruined my own life and stole my own home from me. My heart breaks for all of the women like me. There are far too many of us. I'm here. I'll do everything I can to help. -Robin

  • User   2018-10-09 23:25:45

    My name is Josephine Eaton and i am messaging about my cousin Jamie..shes is in MD and is in Lexington park. She has been in an abusive relationship and is now on the street. I would come and get her from florida but right now do not have the money and we are in the path of Hurricane Michael. she can only get texts due to no call min but i have her number.

  • User   2020-04-01 23:56:45

    I need to what step to take next to get out of situation.I have really no where to go but I am scared to sleep p.i have been in ex-husbands driveway since Thursday ..He tried to kick me and son out after I discovered xrated photos of an going relationship with a another woman .For years I was on cocaine and alcohol so I believed him when he put me down. I am now sober and have a little self confidence.I'm scared to go back tonight because he loves to gaslight me to all of his biker friends.He a lot of weight in that community.My son is at a friend's but my RV that I just got ripped off by him and his buddy s still there.When he tried to get me removed the cops said I could stay in the RV.I haven't had a shower in four days he us threading to take tags off my car .I have title but, cant afford to and the vehicle has a death wobble.I put all my money in it so is a wouldst have to be homeless.

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