The Womens Center High Desert is a non profit organization proving a network of services relating to domestic violence and sexual assault for Eastern Kern county and surrounding counties.
Staff and volunteer manned 24-hour hot line ~ 760-375-7525 ~ for victims of domestic violenceCounseling for domestic violence Group counseling regarding the role of drugs and alcohol in a violent home.Assistance with *Temporary Restraining OrdersSafe shelter for up to 30 days, including food and clothingWhile in the shelter they offer:
counselingjob skills supportand parenting classes and most importantlya safe and secure location to re-evaluate their lives and make plans for the futureStaff and volunteers work closely with clients and other community agencies and shelters outside our immediate area to provide referral and possible re-location options or opportunities as needed
Some services are provided to domestic violence victims who are not in the shelter program and are still in domestic violence situation and need support services.
The staff are all so loving and supportive. I feel like a new person with a new outlook on life. I am so grateful for everything the shelter has done for me and my family. I hope one day to be able to return and help someone else. God bless and keep us all.